The first line of the book, cuts to the chase by saying, "It's not about you. The purpose of your life is far greater than your own personal fulfillment, your peace of mind, or even your happiness."
I had an interesting thought today as I read Galatians 6:10. It says "...as we have opportunity let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers." My thought is this, the "Church" (that is all of us believers and local expressions and assemblies of believers) needs to re-read the first line of Warren's book and apply it.
I wonder what would happen in Charlotte if every Pastor and Church realized that statement as truth and began to live it out? Pastors--It's not about you! Churches--It's not about you. There is something greater at risk than the construction or preservation of our own private empires!

Hey man, you're exactly right. If we could all join forces and stop acting like we're all on different teams we could accomplish so much more for the kingdom of God.
On another note, I was in a Books-a-Million today and heard a lady browsing over my shoulder and mumbling to herself, "Where's that book by, oh, what's his name? ... Warren, I think." And sure enough, she pulled off the shelf, Purpose Driven Life like it was a gem that she was searching for. It's pretty cool to see the effect Warren's book has had after 6 years.
Blessings bro. .josh.
as usual you're right on bro. thanks for reminding us all & THANKS for being a great example of this!
"Let them be ONE so that the world will know."
It's a plea with a promise.
Very well said Chris!
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