I'm so excited about this fall.
Ridge Church is going big and it's just around the corner--
August 30th! Here's a snapshot of what's in the works for that day.
[Fall]1) Student Environment Opens!I couldn’t be more excited about adding a relevant and rockin’ environment for middle school and high school students. This has been a big missing link for us until now. I was committed to saying no to starting this ministry until I thought we could knock it out of the park. I gave a decade of my life to serving students because I’m passionate about teens. I want our church to platform these teenagers to be world changers!
2)Waumba Large Group Kicks off!Waumba is adding a full large group environment with songs and an interactive story time that will enable the group leaders to focus on applying the lesson in small groups and loving kids like crazy. Trust me, you will be proud to invite your friends to bring their kids to experience this. And kids will definitely want to come back! Both of those are huge deals.
3)We launch back into two worship services 9am and 11am!Our volunteers are so committed and so good and I’m stoked that they can now
"serve one and attend one” which is exactly what we are encouraging. Some of our best inviters are often unable to invite because they are serving else where and don’t want their friends to sit alone. Not any more!
[Funding]Life change always has to be funded and I'm excited to invite you to be an ongoing part of that. Once every two months I give a financial summary on my blog, in our worship guide, and in our evite. Below is a snapshot comparison of our last three months. Your sacrifice and generosity absolutely makes a difference! If you were to ask the three adults that were baptized on Father's day they would tell you just how much it matters! Your generosity is enabling life change. Summer is usually tough on giving and we closed out July behind so jump in and help out where you can. Go
HERE to give online. Click on the image to enlarge it: