Over five times more adults joined us for Throwback than we had when we left South Piedmont back in the fall of 2007. We looked back and dreamed forward. The challenge of the day was simple: When we follow an immeasurable God into a radical mission the phrase "We've never been this way before" --becomes part of the common language. [from Joshua 3:2-4]. I love leading a group of people that are willing to risk so much and give up so much for something that we all love even more! THANKS for not playing it safe Ridge Church!
The energy in the room was crazy...the worship was full of both celebration and reflection...we pulled out 50 or more extra chairs...the community was contagious...the vision was tangible...the BBQ was excellent...and the blow games were echoing with laughter. It was a milestone day in the life of Ridge Church.
I'm so grateful for the men and women that have invested their lives so deeply in this mission. I am humbled to have the privilege of leading this incredible, passionate, growing church. Our dreams are so much bigger than our memories. I can't wait see them unfold. Thanks for being part of the story God is writing through this church. Keep spreading the word!