Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Ridge UPDATE: Demo has begun!

I'm long overdue on an update of the happenings around Ridge Church. The demo permit is here and we are starting demo on our future home. Demo should take 2-3 weeks then construction will begin. Our capital campaign called "1 twelve" has been wrapped around the idea that every chair represents a person that matters to us and even more importantly matters to God. We have received just over half of the funds necessary to renovate our future home. We are in our final push to the finish line. Our new facility will have 450 total seats and we are inviting people to symbolically purchase a chair for $199--for a family member, friend, or co-worker. If all 450 chairs are spoken for that should enable us to finish the interior. Go HERE to give through e-give or you our 1 twelve ipad kiosks on Sundays.

Our middle school and high school students get to start in their new environment before the adults will arrive in theirs. We we make the audio/visual installs this week in their new permanent environment. I heard rumors of a DJ and free XBOX drawing--9AM at this address: 1031 Matthews-Mint Hill Road, Matthews, N.C.

Last but not least we begin a fantastic new teaching series this week called "Recovery Road". Can our nation be saved from economic crisis and political turmoil? Come see what Jesus had to say about it. 9:30A.M. and 11:00A.M.

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